老闆:Grace, 這種績效,你怎麼解釋?
Grace, zhè zhǒng jī xiào ,nǐ zěn me jiě shì ?
wǒ ...bú rèn wéi zhè shì Grace de cuò
nǐ wèi le ...bā jié lăo băn ,dìng chū zhèi ge guǐ cè lüè 。
nǐ ...bă gōng chéng fā bāo gěi nǐ dì di 。
yàn shōu de shí hòu ,nǐ yòu qiào bān ,
qù gēn xiăo lăo pó shuì jiào 。
zhèi ge àn zi de jī xiào làn ,
dāng rán shì nǐ yí ge rén de zé rèn 。
wǒ mén jié hūn ba 。
wǒ yuàn yì 。
績jī 效xiào :the performance
解jiě 釋shì ;to explain
認rèn 為wéi :to think
巴bā 結jié :to carry favor with
定dìng :to draw up
鬼guǐ :awful, ghost
策cè 略luè :plan
工gōng 程chéng :project
發fā 包bāo :to contract
驗yàn 收shōu :to check and accept
翹qiào 班bān :play hooky from work
小xiăo 老lăo 婆pó :concubine
睡shuì 覺jiào :to sleep
爛làn :disappointing; awful
當dāng 然rán :of course; sure
責zé 任rèn :responsibility
Boss: Grace, how do you explain the performance?
M: I don't think that it's Grace's fault.
You... draw up this awful plan to carry favor with your boss.
You... contracted the project to your brother.
When we checked and accepted, you play hooky from work, to go to sleep with your concubine.
Of course you have to take the whole responsibility of the disappointing performance of this case.
F: Let's get married.
M: Yes, I do.
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