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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Learn Chinese with Commercials (32)

Actor's Lines at 00:20

xiăo jiě 。
xiăo jiě ,bú yào zài diū le 。

The subtitle at 00:32
yòng yīn yuè găi biàn shì jiè 

The Lyrics

zài yán hăi dì dài fàng zhú wǒ de ài 

gū dān yě hěn jīng căi

wǒ xiāng xìn wǒ men dōu yǒu gāi qù de wèi lái  

bù gāi zài yuán dì pái huái 

Actor's Lines
再zài :again

丟diū :to throw

Miss. Please don't throw it again.

The subtitle
用yòng :to use

音yīn 樂yuè :music

改găi 變biàn :to change

世shì 界jiè :the world

Change the world with music.

The Lyrics

沿yán 海hăi 地dì 帶dài :coastal zone
放fàng 逐zhú :to banish
愛ài :love

孤gū 單dān :alone
精jīng 彩căi :brilliant
相xiāng 信xìn :to believe
未wèi 來lái :the future
原yuán 地dì :in the same place
徘pái 徊huái :wandering 

I banish my love on the shore.
To be alone, also can be brilliant.
I believe we both have a future where we should go.
We shouldn't be wandering in the same place.

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