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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

At the Laundromat (2): more words

1. dry clean / dry cleaning
 乾洗(gān xǐ

2. wring out
 擰乾(níng gān

3. rinse
 沖洗(chōng xǐ

4. do (one’s) laundry
 洗衣服(xǐ yī fú

5. get a stain out
 去除汙垢(qù chú wū gòu

6. hang up the laundry
 晾衣服(liàng yī fú

7. iron my clothes
 熨衣服(yùn yī fú )/燙衣服(tàng yī fú

9. fold (one’s) clothes
 折衣服(zhé yī fú

10. bleach
 漂白水(piăo bái shuǐ