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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Learn Chinese with Commercials (21)

The Marriage Proposal to the twelve signs of the zodiac-Capricorn

       dāi huǐ wǒ yào qù chāo shāng shào yí xià diàn fèi 。

       a duì ,wǒ diàn fèi hái méi jiăo ye 。dān zǐ fàng bāo bāo hăo jǐ tiān le 。

       dāi huǐ wǒ bāng nǐ jiăo 。zhēn shì jiăo bù wán de fèi yòng ye 。

       diàn fèi ,diàn huà fèi ,wăng lù fèi ,fáng zū ,shé me tíng chē fèi ,shé me dōu yào jiăo liăng fèn 。

       wǒ jué de ,bù rú wǒ mén jié hūn zhù zài yì qǐ ,hăo xiàng bǐ jiào huá suàn 。

        xià lǐ bài wǒ yòu yào jiā bān le ,wǒ tóng shì qǐng jià ,

       cóng xiàn zài kāi shǐ dào jiŭ yuè dǐ ,wǒ yīng gāi měi tiān dōu shí diăn cái huì huí jiā 。

        wǒ yuàn yì 。

       yuàn yì shé me ?jié hūn ō ?

       wǒ mén jié hūn ba 。wǒ yuàn yì 。

待dāi 會huǐ :later

超chāo 商shāng :convenient store

繳jiăo :to pay

電diàn 費fèi :electricity bill

單dān 子zǐ :the bill

包bāo 包bāo :bag

幫bāng :to help

費fèi 用yòng :fee

電diàn 話huà 費fèi :telephone bill

網wăng 路lù 費fèi :internet bill

房fáng 租zū :rent

停tíng 車chē 費fèi :parking ticket

不bù 如rú :why not...

結jié 婚hūn :to get married

好hăo 像xiàng :seems

心xīn 較jiào :more

划huá 算suàn :worthwhile

加jiā 班bān :work overtime

同tóng 事shì :collegue

請qǐng 假jià :take a day off

M: I have to go to the convenient store to pay my electricity bill.

F: Oh, right. I didn't pay my electricity bill. The bill has been in my bag for several days.

M: I will help you to pay it later. 
     There are so many bills have to be paid. electricity bill, telephone bill, internet bill, rent, parking tickets..... and we have to pay everything twice!

     I think, why don't we get married, and live together. It seems more worthwhile.

     Next week I need to work overtime again. My collegue will take some days off. From now to the end of September, I have to work until ten before I can go home.

F: Yes, I do.

M: Do what? Get married?

F:  Let's get married. Yes,  I do.

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