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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Learn Chinese with News (9): 不可以說髒話 (bù kě yǐ shuō zāng huà) Part 2

tā shì ge gàn shì de rén cái
He is a talented manager.

gàn shì handle affairs
rén cái talented person
zhè lǐ gè gè dōu shì gàn cái
Everyone here is a talented person.

gàn cái talented person
jǐ zhuī gŭ shì rén zhòng yào de gŭ gàn
Spine is the most important bone in your body.

zhuī gŭ spine
zhòng yào important
gŭ gàn backbone
tā gōng gàn qù le xià wŭ cái huí lái
He went out on business and will not be back before afternoon.

gōng gàn conduct business outside the office
Róng shù de qū gàn gāo dà hòu shí zhuàng dào hěn tòng
The trunk of a banyan tree is tall, big and thick. It would hurt if you hit it.
róng shù banyan tree
gàn trunk
gāo high and big
hòu shí thick
zhuàng dào hit
tòng hurt
wǒ jué ding xǐ shǒu bú gàn hăo hăo zuò rén
I decided to quit doing evil, and conduct myself.
jué dìng decide
shǒu gàn Wash my hands and quit, means quit doing evil.
zuò rén conduct oneself
zhè kē shù de zhī gàn pán xuán jiāo cuò yí ding hěn lăo le
The branches of this tree are twisted and gnarled. It must be very old.
a measure for trees
shù tree
zhī gàn branches
pán xuán jiāo cuò twisted and gnarled
Zǒu lù yào xiăo xīn bù rán zhuàng dào shù gàn nǐ mā ma huì dān xīn
Be careful when you are walking. Otherwise, if you bump into the tree trunk, your mother would be worried.

xiăo xīn be careful
rán otherwise
shù gàn tree trunk
dān xīn worry
tā shì ge gàn liàn de mì shū
She is a competent secretary.

gàn liàn competent
shū secretary
tā zuò shì rèn zhēn shì ge fù zé de gàn yuán
He is very earnest at work. He is a responsible employee.

rèn zhēn earnest
gàn yuán employee
zhè bă săn de gŭ gàn yìng hěn nài yòng
The framework of this umbrella is very durable.
bă a measure for umbrellas
săn umbrella
gŭ gàn framework
nài yòng durable
Zào jù hăo xīn kŭ wǒ bú gàn le
Making sentences is so exhausting, I quit.

zào make sentences
xīn kŭ exhausting
gàn do

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